Bear bear

towman01 Free

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  1. almost 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    It doesn’t matter if he can afford it or not, if you are married it is no longer your money or her money, it belongs to the family regardless of who earned it in the work place. Seperate accounts, hiding money from eachother, seperate budgets and “responsibilities” are all ways of saying that you don’t trust or respect eachother. If you do not have harmony in finances it will be very hard to have harmony with the rest of you marriage, all the money goes into one account and you both agree on a fixed budget and do not make impulse or surprise purchases, everything must be agreed on or it shouldn’t be done, it is very disrespectful and irreponsible to not include and consider your spouses opinion on these matters.

  2. about 15 years ago on Real Life Adventures

    He sounds like a Dave Ramsey fan!