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DD Wiz Free

Native, lifelong Southern Californian. Solar powered house (since 2007) and two electric cars.  Avid bird watcher (bird nerd).  

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Recent Comments

  1. 4 days ago on La Cucaracha

    — TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshippers whining about the cost of eggs and bacon?

    After the gullible TrumpubliKKKlan cult worshippers have bought…

    • The $59.99 Bible (Trump standard version)

    • The $399 golden (fool’s gold) sneakers

    • Trump cryptocurrency

    • Trump DJT worthless stock

    • $100 silver coins (containing $30 worth of silver)

    • The $99 digital NFT trading “card”

    • $1,485 for fourteen more ^ to get one real card

    • $100,000 for the Trump DonOLD Dumb gold (fool’s gold) watch…

    …No wonder why they can’t afford eggs or bacon.

  2. 5 days ago on Prickly City

    People did vote for McGovern. Just not enough.

    My very first vote (had to be 21 in 1968 and I was over 18 but not yet 21, so my first vote was in 1972) was for McGovern in the winner-take-all California primary (that was the last year of the winner-take-all, as the Democratic National Committee mandated that all Democratic primaries allocate more proportionally) and then for McGovern in the general.

    It was so satisfying to see our votes vindicated two years later when the crook was unveiled and forced to resign.

  3. 5 days ago on Prickly City

    — Back to the rule for dealing with trolls with overactive imaginations: if no relevant, reality-based point is made, no response is needed.

    @Robin does not even attempt to make any substantive point. It is a meaningless rant.

    He can’t even get my name right. At some point some time in the distant past, he guessed that my name is “Dennis” and insists on using that name. He is a typical mindless conservative. Make a guess with no basis in fact, guess wrong, and then stubbornly cling to his incorrect guess. This is the foundation of flawed conservative “thinking” in both religion and politics.

    Guess. Get it wrong. Stubbornly cling.

    Never actually raise any point of substance.

  4. 6 days ago on Prickly City

    — I doubt that 1BLM or any of these low-quality TROLLs are Russian disinformants. Disinformants, yes, but not Russian, though that is where their sympathies clearly lie.

    They love strong authoritarians because they are weak, pathetic little babies who need strong religious and political dictators to micromanage their lives and tell them what they can read, what kind of relationships they can choose to be in, medical choices, etc., because they are too weak and insecure to confidently manage their own lives.

    Putin does have his paid trolls, to be sure, and he is evil, to be sure, but Putin is also smart and strategic.

    Look at these pathetic, low-quality TROLLs. Do you seriously think any of them are worth money? Do you think Putin would actually pay for that counterproductive crap that is nothing more than an embarrassment to true conservatism?

  5. 6 days ago on La Cucaracha

    I am not in any way suggesting or inferring that Europeans were in any way inferior or less intelligent.

    Certainly the brilliance of the Age of Enlightenment that followed demonstrated great mastery of thought and invention, as well as the rebirth of math, science and astronomy among the more secular Dutch.

    The problem was the dominance of a virulent form of anti-science religious superstition. Whereas the Greeks and Mayans especially revered science, and adapted their views to conform to science, the religious conservatives of the Dark Ages took a very literal view of Bible interpretation, and anyone who contradicted that was deemed a heretic and either put to death (hanging, drowning, burning at the stake, beheading, many other cruel ways the Europeans demonstrated their creativity). Scientists who challenged religious dogma were executed … or, if they managed to get off easy, forced to recant.

    The warning for us today is that there is a revival of conservative religious fundamentalism today that is also virulently anti-science and anti-fact. And they are trying to take political power so they can impose their very restrictive views against, science, history and personal liberty on everyone else.

    They wish to do to America what radicalized Muslims did in the Islamic world and return to a new Dark Ages of religious superstition.

  6. 6 days ago on La Cucaracha

    I am not saying that nothing was ever developed or invented during the Dark Ages (500 – 1450 AD), an age of fighting, brutality, cruelty that was dominated by religious superstition.

    But none of the names or inventions listed by @Naldrin were of the consequential level of the Greeks in math, science and astronomy, the enhancements to math, science and astronomy added by the pre-radicalized Muslims, or the levels of math, science and astronomy achieved during that time by the pre-Columbian civilizations of the Americas.

  7. 6 days ago on La Cucaracha

    Your “list” does not appear, because GoComics no longer allows links.

    You have provided nothing to refute anything I have posted or to support your own bizarre and irrational claims.

    No, Columbus did not discover the Americas.

    1. People had already been living on this continent for thousands of years.

    2. Columbus was not even the first person from the Eastern hemisphere to encounter the Americas. Leif Erickson made it all the way to what is now Martha’s Vineyard (which he called “Vinland”) in 1000 AD, 492 years before Columbus. Columbus never even made it to the North American mainland. Erickson did. Mansa Abubakari II, the “Voyager King” of Mali, Africa first sailed to what is now Recife, Brazil, and interacted with indigenous Americans, in 1311-12. Columbus only briefly touched the South American continent on his fourth voyage.

    And seriously? Willem Janszoon? You’re trying to compare a name that almost nobody has ever heard of, much less crediting with the discovery of Australia? You have demonstrated the level of utter desperation to which you have sunk and, in the process, made my points for me.

  8. 6 days ago on Prickly City


    LBJ had not yet secured the nomination. In contrast, when Joe Biden stepped aside in 2024, he had already won far more delegates than he needed to secure the nomination. Joe Biden was the first person since George Washington to step aside AFTER he had firmly secured nomination for reelection. Yes, Biden retained full mental competency, even though he had slowed down, as evidenced by his successful negotiation of the complex multi-nation prisoner swap and settling the Longshoremen’s strike, but it was clear that he could not win the November election. Stepping aside was a noble, courageous act, something Trump would never do.

    In 1968, Hubert Humphrey did not even enter a single primary race. He was unfairly linked to LBJ’s disastrous Vietnam policy. He was not popular. Both Eugene McCarthy and Bobby Kennedy were far more popular, especially Bobby after he won many primaries, including the big enchilada, the huge trove of delegates from California, which was winner-take-all in those days.

    After the assassination of Bobby, the Democrats were horribly divided, as evidenced by the tumultuous convention in Chicago that year.

    In contrast, as soon as Biden — revered by the Democrats, even if he could not win a general electin — stepped aside and endorsed Kamala, she immediately unified the party and, unlike 1968, presided over a unified, enthusiastic Chicago convention.

    In 1968, Humphrey left the Chicago convention far behind in the pools.

    In 2024, Harris left the convention with a huge bounce ahead of Trump. And while that initial aura has faded somewhat, and polls have tightened, the post-convention race is nothing like 1968 (except that it will be a razor thin margin).

  9. 6 days ago on Prickly City

    As for Stantis’ excellent comparisons to 1968, it is also important to note a few key differences.

    When LBJ stepped aside in favor of Hubert Humphrey, he had barely won the New Hampshire primary, as challenger Eugene McCarthy got 43% of the vote. Pundits have said that if McCarthy got as much as even 10 or 20%, he would have dealt a death blow to LBJ. The idea that he could get even 30% of the vote, much less MORE THAN FORTY PERCENT, was seen as a fatal blow to LBJ.

    The real kicker came after Robert Kennedy, the original, not the brain-worm, mercury poisoned, whale decapitating, bear- and dog- eating Junior who would fall under the spell of the TrumpubliKKKlan cult, saw that LBJ was vulnerable, and launched his own campaign. Terrified of running against Bobby, who he saw as the ghost of JFK, especially after the 16-minute ovation Bobby had received at the 1964 that nominated LBJ for his historic landslide, LBJ stepped aside.

    But here are the relevant differences:


  10. 6 days ago on Prickly City

    Trump’s supporters don’t care about his obvious mental collapse. And those pulling the puppet strings — Silicon Valley billionaire backers like Elon Musk and Peter Thiel who donated billions in exchange for getting their guy Vance named as VP — would be glad to get a cabinet full of Vance clones and then, as soon as Trump is inaugurated, invoke the 25th Amendment, make Vance (who wrote the forward to a book by the author of Project 2025 explaining it in more detail) the Yale educated vulture capitalist who would be far more effective in implementing it.

    New President Vance would then be able to grant Trump a full and unconditional pardon so he can stay out of jail, which is his only real reason for running, so Trump is happy, Melania can get her divorce and a big settlement and she’ll be happy and all the Project 2025 religious extremists of the TrumpubliKKKlan cult who want to turn the United States into a latter-day Nationalist “Christian” (“Nat-C”) TrumpubliKKKlan cult of the KKKonservative Christofascist Caliphate of Talibangelistan — Y’all Qaeda of Gilead — alt-Christianity of hypochristians will all be happy micromanaging everyone’s private lives and controlling women’s bodies.