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Comics I Follow

Arlo and Janis

Arlo and Janis

By Jimmy Johnson
Gasoline Alley

Gasoline Alley

By Jim Scancarelli
Perry Bible Fellowship

Perry Bible Fellowship

By Nicholas Gurewitch


By Bill Amend


By Sam Hurt
Cul de Sac

Cul de Sac

By Richard Thompson
Fred Basset

Fred Basset

By Alex Graham
Mutt & Jeff

Mutt & Jeff

By Bud Fisher
Brewster Rockit

Brewster Rockit

By Tim Rickard
FoxTrot Classics

FoxTrot Classics

By Bill Amend
Andy Capp

Andy Capp

By Reg Smythe
Bound and Gagged

Bound and Gagged

By Dana Summers
Frank and Ernest

Frank and Ernest

By Thaves
Broom Hilda

Broom Hilda

By Russell Myers
Calvin and Hobbes

Calvin and Hobbes

By Bill Watterson
Dick Tracy

Dick Tracy

By Mike Curtis and Charles Ettinger
Gil Thorp

Gil Thorp

By Henry Barajas and Rachel Merrill
Tank McNamara

Tank McNamara

By Bill Hinds
Too Much Coffee Man

Too Much Coffee Man

By Shannon Wheeler
Wizard of Id

Wizard of Id

By Parker and Hart


By Charles Schulz
Origins of the Sunday Comics

Origins of the Sunday Comics

By Peter Maresca
Alley Oop

Alley Oop

By Jonathan Lemon and Joey Alison Sayers
Ripley's Believe It or Not

Ripley's Believe It or Not

By Ripley’s Believe It or Not!
Rose is Rose

Rose is Rose

By Don Wimmer and Pat Brady
The Born Loser

The Born Loser

By Art and Chip Sansom
For Better or For Worse

For Better or For Worse

By Lynn Johnston


By Olivia Jaimes


By Greg Evans and Karen Evans
Luann Againn

Luann Againn

By Greg Evans
Li'l Abner

Li'l Abner

By Al Capp
Liberty Meadows

Liberty Meadows

By Frank Cho
Kliban's Cats

Kliban's Cats

By B. Kliban


By B. Kliban


By Jef Mallett
Richard's Poor Almanac

Richard's Poor Almanac

By Richard Thompson


By Edgar Rice Burroughs


By Nicole Hollander
Jen Sorensen

Jen Sorensen



By Keith Knight
Lalo Alcaraz

Lalo Alcaraz

Nick Anderson

Nick Anderson

Lisa Benson

Lisa Benson

Steve Benson

Steve Benson

Chip Bok

Chip Bok

Jeff Danziger

Jeff Danziger

Matt Davies

Matt Davies

John Deering

John Deering

Bob Gorrell

Bob Gorrell

Walt Handelsman

Walt Handelsman

Clay Jones

Clay Jones

Kevin Kallaugher

Kevin Kallaugher

Steve Kelley

Steve Kelley

Mike Luckovich

Mike Luckovich

Jim Morin

Jim Morin

Jack Ohman

Jack Ohman

Pat Oliphant

Pat Oliphant

Joel Pett

Joel Pett

Ted Rall

Ted Rall

Drew Sheneman

Drew Sheneman

Dana Summers

Dana Summers

Tom Toles

Tom Toles

Gary Varvel

Gary Varvel



By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US


By Cartoon Movement-US
Views of the World

Views of the World

By Cartoon Movement-US
Clay Bennett

Clay Bennett

Chris Britt

Chris Britt

Gary Markstein

Gary Markstein

Marshall Ramsey

Marshall Ramsey

Scott Stantis

Scott Stantis

Steve Breen

Steve Breen

Michael Ramirez

Michael Ramirez

Matt Wuerker

Matt Wuerker

Win, Lose, Drew

Win, Lose, Drew

By Drew Litton
Henry Payne

Henry Payne

Rob Rogers

Rob Rogers

Jeff Stahler

Jeff Stahler

Matt Bors

Matt Bors

Robert Ariail

Robert Ariail

Mike Lester

Mike Lester

Joe Heller

Joe Heller

Phil Hands

Phil Hands

Brian McFadden

Brian McFadden

Recent Comments

  1. over 5 years ago on Doonesbury

    Snow day!

  2. almost 6 years ago on Arlo and Janis

    The dinosaurs could have easily been killed off by a rich diet and cheese, bread and wine…..you never know

  3. almost 6 years ago on Doonesbury

    I think Zonker is just high.

  4. over 6 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    Jim was an assistant for George Breisacher on M & J and did the final weeks by himself then moved on to work as Dick Moore’s assistant on GA

  5. almost 7 years ago on Doonesbury

    A truly terrible parent—nice job with JJ and the Red Rascal! And now she needs to justify it.PS I am aware of the importance of the Caucus character in the early seventies, a benchmark of the women’s movement, but JJ and Jeff are really irresponsible “adults” have one thing in common. Joanie. But, hey “this isn’t about you” as Joanie has said often.

  6. over 7 years ago on Kliban's Cats

    Honk if you love cats

  7. about 9 years ago on Origins of the Sunday Comics

    The manic energy in each panel is intoxicating. Swinnerton was a true master of the form

  8. over 9 years ago on Gasoline Alley

    My first guess is Foxy Grandpa

  9. over 9 years ago on Origins of the Sunday Comics

    Could you run them all? Pretty please??? What can we do to make you say ‘yes’?

    Does flattery work on you?

    If so, i’d love to mention the splendid job you did on Titan Books 4th volume of Flash Gordon Sundays by Austin Briggs.

    If flattery doesn’t work, I still must recommend ‘The Storm Queen of Valkir’. It is a beaut!

  10. over 9 years ago on Origins of the Sunday Comics

    Ahhh… A unique feminine twist on the ol’ Dr. Jeckyll and Mr. Lampshade party favorite.