The day I graduated from high school I knew everything. I’m even smarter now and have the Mensa membership to prove it. Unfortunately it hasn’t helped out much financially.
I’m just guessing here, but probably the reason we don’t hear about President Obama’s mother-in-law is that she is a nice woman who gets along well with others.
France’s health care system is not socialized medicine. It is a mixture of public and private systems very similar to ours. Everybody has the same basic coverage which is financed by contributions from employers and employees. The government pays for the unemployed. Most people also buy supplemental insurance to cover things the basic coverage does not.
The French health care system is rated best in the world among developed nations. It costs about half what ours does. The US system rates about 17th in overall quality and is far and away the most expensive.
The French system is not perfect but it is much better than ours.
The day I graduated from high school I knew everything. I’m even smarter now and have the Mensa membership to prove it. Unfortunately it hasn’t helped out much financially.