My late dog could understand well over 100 words. She understood the spelling of several, including p a r k, w a l k, b o n e, t r e a t, among several others.
No conspiratorial meetings are required for retail gas prices to be (almost) identical. First, and most obviously, they post their prices on signs for all to see. Second, if they’re busy, prices go up — and vice versa. Many consumers are price-conscious, so gouging is difficult anywhere there are competing sources.
Text-based books (paper or digital) are best for using your imagination. The tools (search, dictionary, etc.) that come with e-readers make them a better choice than paper, IMHO. Audiobooks are best for reading in bed — no light to keep you up. Some of the narrators are great — real performers. That makes audiobooks a collaborative art form, like movies.
Every new “Draw Doug” strip is funnier than the last to me because the joke is that there seems to be a never-ending supply of them — which amazes and surprises me. The same goes for the ‘talking animal’ gags.
Search on << blowing your own sail >> (or similar) for interesting articles about the physics involved. Hint: The sail is a goofy device that sends air backwards. So, just what we expect from Norman — but he’s not entirely wrong.
The trophy animals are often the older males — so the herd may benefit genetically, as you say. Hunting regulations usually (always?) prohibit wasting the meat. If the hunter doesn’t want it, it might go to the guide or a charity.
It seems that Alex has Betty’s number.