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kab2rb Free

Married , retired, 2 adult kids boy and girl, and hubby retired. Enjoy reading, taking on-line classes med finished, court shows, walking.

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  1. about 8 hours ago on Stone Soup

    I was at Walmart and was quiet no music, my son works at Dillion’s not talked about store having music. What each Dillion’s and other retails is facing the CEO has decided to cut all hourly worker’s hours to less then part time. Son only works 3 days, off Christmas Eve as store closes at 6 p.m. close Christmas day.

  2. about 16 hours ago on Baby Blues

    When I was a kid, do not think mom bought us toys to play with, basic Christmas.

  3. about 18 hours ago on Ziggy

    For my husband decided to retire age 62, did not know a year later if he had not, 10,000 worker’s let go orders dropped, then we did get penalized, he tried to use up vacation and sick leave, not enough used, he was not smart enough when he received the extra place in saving’s, we had to go for 2 months no SS as cap and penalty. So I had to prove husband as I checked on my SS would received $200 less, I waited for full, decided against age 70, as you have to pay on Medicare cost age 65, SS adjusted my pay for the good.

  4. 1 day ago on Ziggy

    Husband and I are on SS and Medicare, he started first early age 62, had to be careful and I cut back on expenses as pulling money out of the air, major cut. I agree with Ziggy. I waited on drawing full SS, 3 years ago, waiting, though painful, helped. My sister/husband did the same.

  5. 1 day ago on Ziggy

    I have son works at grocery store, major chain, not Walmart, hourly worker’s are part time, they was given warning that the CEO greedy, assigns so many hours per store for hourly worker’s, at times day’s off no pay. So yes to your comment. Other retailer’s for CEO’s the same.

  6. 1 day ago on Stone Soup

    Val loves a clean workspace, meaning guy’s eat at your own desk.

  7. 1 day ago on Baby Blues

    Zoe you love o torment Hammie.

  8. 2 days ago on Stone Soup

    Not related to working, when husband’s mom was in separately two different care home’s, when going there with her son, I catch all kinds of stuff, be sick. When I worked for the county department of correction’s as a pt receptionist for teen offender’s, I catch mostly upper respiratory infection’s, had one pink eye, fortunate one teen boy brought in chicken pox and that spread, fortunate I had that when a kid, never caught that again, when job ended, I only gained twice a year upper respiratory. Fortunate what Val is going through did not happen that much, the Administrative Assistant stated chilled, told her fever, she went to get assessed she had 100°, she was my supervisor, I told her she is spreading it, when boss came in asked about her I told him she has fever had to go home.

  9. 2 days ago on Baby Blues

    Day after Christmas may get rain, we need. Temps above freezing.

  10. 3 days ago on Stone Soup

    That is why I feel bad for my son, he works at a grocery store on listening to constant Christmas music and sales, only issue the major CEO of same store for branches decided he was not making enough money, sent how many hours approved per store per hourly worker, means less days and time.