
NancyPelosi Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 15 years ago on The Argyle Sweater

    I’ve never done it, but I know about them and have even seen them done on a commercial recently. The idea is all the occupants of a car, stopped at a stop sign or stop light, get out run around the car.

  2. about 15 years ago on Dana Summers

    Real butter is far better for you than any of those artificial things people use!

  3. about 15 years ago on Red and Rover

    This reminds me of the news story from a few weeks ago about the young girl in California, where the town shut down her lemonade stand because she didn’t have a business permit!

  4. about 15 years ago on Pluggers

    iamtxmilady, Joe always struck me as some creepy pedo guy, which was bad enough, but now he’s just outright irritating.

  5. about 15 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    So many people are clueless on this one! It’s clear it’s not just some “fast food” restaurant, but “roadside rotgut” says a very low quality place- greasy & cheap. And it’s because they’re on their way home from camping and probably have little choice where to go- it’s not some urban area packed full of restaurant choices.

    The point is, Elly is loving the food- despite it being absolute garbage, which shows how much she appreciates not having to cook a meal.

  6. about 15 years ago on Lisa Benson

    Glenn Beck showed the online government site for people to sign up for “Cash for Clunkers” and in the fine print it states that while there your computer is property of the government and various agencies, domestic AND foreign are allowed access to everything on your computer!

    Big Brother Obama is looking in!

  7. about 15 years ago on Scott Stantis

    Satipera the communist as always! Oh, he’d insist on comrade Satipera!

    Every post by this commie shows just how much he hates America and loves communism!

  8. over 15 years ago on Gary Varvel

    Right dtroutma, when there is record unemployment and businesses are failing all across the country, what do we do? We tell them they can either spend a fortune they can’t afford modernizing, or they can buy “lord Obamessiah dispensations” to cover their “pollution”. Either way, this will just lead to more businesses dying, so we’ll just get more products from higher polluting Chinese factories, but then that might be the lord Obamessiah’s plan all along, as he’s quadrupled our debt and made sure we’ll never be able to get out of our debt with China.

    I can see why this stuff appeals to you hate-America people, as this is just going to destroy our country, then you ultra-lefties can take the ruins and create your perfect Nanny State, where all we peons are under total control and your social engineering can assure a wonderful commie state.

    Disgusting liberal!

  9. over 15 years ago on Dana Summers

    dtroutma, what a lying hypocrite! All I’ve ever read from you is bashing of our troops! Disgusting hypocrite!

  10. over 15 years ago on Michael Ramirez

    I know and am related to many soldiers and Marines who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan, some on multiple tours, and they are proud of what they’ve accomplished over there and made friends with many of the locals. Of course, what they tell me seems to never coincide with what the liberal media, or a bunch of fat, lazy welfare parasites on here say, but then I guess they are all lying to me, because I’m sure you ultra-liberal America haters are all so honest and I’ve got to believe CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS and NBC, because they are always showing how unbiased they are!

    Thank you to all our military and those of our allies, who go around the world putting their lives on the line- and doing so as volunteers, not draftees- to help bring freedom to others. Of course, I’m sure the lord Obamessiah will have this post removed because talking of freedom in other countries can make their “Supreme Leaders” upset!