I mentioned the other night that Berzerkistan is really Turkmenistan because the chopper was returning to Herat, Afghanistan which is directly below T-stan. Look at a map. Also T-stan was ruled by a real life loony-toon until his sudden death about 5 years ago.
Yesterday’s strip mentioned the chopper returning to Herat which is a city in West Afghanistan just south of Turkmenistan which is the country I believe Berzerkistan is modeled after. Until the end of 2006 it was ruled with an iron fist by a real loony-toon who went so far as to rename the months after himself and relatives. Sounds like Pres. Trriff eh?
I missed yesterday and now find out Joe-A is gone? What happened? He almost always aggravated me with his comments but ain’t nuthin’ wrong with that. A little aggravation gets the thoughts processes going.
Joe-Allen asked me yesterday if I had ever lived in a retirement home and the answer is a tongue-in-cheek yes….I consider my own home a retirement home since I retired two years ago. BTW we are about the same age although I was in Nam a year before you were. Have a great Independance day everyone, even if it is on the 4th ;-)
How can she be too old for Chernobyl? Wasn’t that 15 years ago? What was the age limit on Soviet medics back then?