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  1. almost 13 years ago on Jerry Holbert

    N_on A_thletic S_port C_reated A_round R_ednecksProof that humanity will be saved by the reascension of the South. (For those in Rio Linda, The South Will Rise Again.)

  2. about 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Considering what passes for “text books” these days - watered down or non-existent history & math, curriculums that tend toward ‘social’ fixes rather than learning, agenda driven instead of competitive learning structures, etc, ad nauseum… Even those teachers who are competent & who’s focus it is to actually teach have got to be having an impossible time. Add top down forced rulings about what & how to teach that has no regard for the students and you’ve got a situation that cannot get better unless you’re willing to completely rid it of what doesn’t work. And to be ruthless about it. This country used to have the best educated people on the planet and we did it at the local level. Each community hired the best teacher that they could afford and the teachers taught the kids to actually think. Handing the decisions for teaching our children over to the federal government was the dumbest thing Americans have done in education. Incompetence breeds more incompetence and if there’s one thing that the feds excel at it’s incompetently screwing up the system.

  3. about 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    We just keep coming up with reasons to apologize for Carter, don’t we? The problem is that he was just the forerunner of a whole bunch of idiots. Nuclear is the way we’re going to have to go. We’ve proven that we can do it safely in the U.S. when it’s not compromised by someone with an agenda to promote. Personally, I quit living in fear of what ‘could’ happen long ago. It makes no sense to fear dying when it’s pretty much a foregone conclusion that it’s going to happen. the trick us to find & follow the rules of the road for living. Living means much more than bare survival. To not use clean,efficient nuclear power makes as much sense as adding ethanol to our gas.

  4. about 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    @Jade - I really have no idea anymore what the system is out here in West Texas. It’s doubtful that it’s performance based though. My youngest graduated and attended a few months of college - just enough to build up a good debt load and is now a waitress. I’m just glad she’s working.

    I was right about it not ending well - I’m now watching some of my grandkids coming up through the same system - and it’s honestly worse.

  5. about 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    And then there’s this:


    Just for the record, I’m not attacking teachers or any other profession. I’m old enough to remember having to actually do the job that you got paid for (if you wanted to get paid),

    My job depends on others doing their jobs. when one of them fails, it’s next to impossible to get that days work completed. I’m thinking of retiring because it’s getting more often that one or more persons in the chain drop the ball. Maybe there’s something to what this guy says: http://www.aaa-ace.com/

    To all the good teachers, thank you. To those mediocre or bad ones, do the job you were hired for or find something else. Too much depends on our young people for us to get it wrong.

  6. about 13 years ago on Stone Soup International Sundays

    Got into an argument with my youngest daughter’s math teacher for him giving her the answers to problems so she could pass the TACS rather than making her work for them. I said teach her how to think by making her work for the answers. He said that he didn’t get paid enough to work like that. I told him that he had no business being a “teacher”. I started tutoring her as much as possible. Found out from her and her friends that all the teachers in the district said pretty much the same thing. This isn’t going to end well…