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Ha,She needs to get out more.
The comic says 42 bust, what else can he be talking about? It’s a comic, you don’t have to read anything into that. I say, he’s got good eyesight,anyway.I know if I saw a set like that,I get run over too.
I thought it was the mice in the little pool,he was watching. And, I am dense.
somethings are better left unsaid,good job Andy.
I’m with OldHipster,how would one get in touch with some of that. Good one man,you killed me with that one. Good comic too, by the way.
Nothing is free, they’ll find a way to make you pay.
It’s a learning experience,Where would you go, if not here, for your schooling?
That’s a great one. That’ll get Jon some trouble in the near future.
Gee, I hope I never get in that spot. He will have to explain himself on that one. Can’t wait until tomorrow……
There you go, blame it on her.
Ha,She needs to get out more.