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God how many folks did my old man drink for?
I rode front and back in my old man’ car with no seat belts. Also when he was drunk, he rolled us once. He left us in the car once and we also nearly froze to death. What a father of the year he was!
I never drank coffee, smells great when it brewing, sorry it tastes like mud when you drink it!
Naw just with a .38 or 45 cal wrapped in newspapers
I will always remember when I fed the hogs their slop!
Looks like some one will have some fun after taps!
Again who let the clown in!
You do the crime you do the punishment!
What an Elmer!
Yeah he might be having a little chuckle out of this mess. As for smoke, I do not forsee any white smoke!
God how many folks did my old man drink for?