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A Magic Guy -

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  1. 13 days ago on FoxTrot Classics

    HA! This one took me a few seconds.

  2. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    OK, I know the address from “All In The Family,” and I know Eugene Roche from his role on “Soap,” so I guess we’ve got a TV fan giving us the story.

  3. 26 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Yeah, I quit that last one about halfway through. First one I’ve skipped since the new team took over for Locher.

  4. 26 days ago on Andy Capp

    Is that a Ginsu Knife I see in his pocket? Too small to be a Vegamatic.

  5. 26 days ago on Andy Capp

    Yup. You’ve got the recipe right, although I never could. Baking is not my best skill. And, I think “over here” must mean Wales. And why do many of we Americans consider our country the center of the universe?

  6. about 2 months ago on Nancy Classics

    Mask? I thought it was a false face.

  7. about 2 months ago on Big Nate

    That and several others were discontinued several months ago.

  8. 2 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Can I assume that a story will start at some point?

  9. 2 months ago on Nancy Classics

    As you likely know, the joke no longer works since the introduction of the “Forever” stamps. If I still sent anything by mail, I would stock up. I think I mailed about two envelopes in the past year or so.

  10. 2 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Huh? We’re strolling through Chicago and suddenly finding ourselves in New York?!? Long, strange trip, indeed.