1988 06 05edit

awgiedawgie Premium

Recent Comments

  1. 1 day ago on Pearls Before Swine

    But if someone tried to get one customized like that, the system would probably reject it (the Michigan system is really good at rejecting things that aren’t really vulgar, but could be misconstrued that way).

  2. 1 day ago on Pearls Before Swine

    My thoughts exactly. The down parts can be terrifying!

  3. 1 day ago on Ten Cats

    The salesman was very persuasive.

  4. 3 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yeah… pretty much the response I expected. Playing the “I have a degree” card. I could play the same card, but you know as well as I do that having a degree doesn’t prove someone is intelligent. I already knew you weren’t going to change your view, so I don’t know why I bothered even discussing it.

  5. 4 days ago on In the Bleachers

    That’s what I’m thinking.

  6. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    I was relating a quote that was relevant to Rat’s comment in the final panel.

  7. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Evolution is impossible, plain and simple. It doesn’t matter how many millions of years you give it. For one organism to evolve to its closest genetic neighbor would require tens of thousands of genetic changes to occur simultaneously. It cannot happen gradually. If only part of those changes happened, the organism could not survive. That’s why no one has ever been able to find “the missing link” between species – because it is biologically impossible.

  8. 4 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Science requires proof. Evolution cannot be proven, and therefore is not science. Every theory ever for the origin of everything cannot be proven, and has no first-hand record, since quite obviously no human was there when it happened. Therefore, it requires faith for anyone to believe it. You can use a different term than “faith” if you want, but faith is simply the determination of someone to believe in something that cannot be seen.

  9. 5 days ago on Pearls Before Swine

    Yes, God did always exist. Yes, I have to take that on faith. But that takes a lot less faith than believing that everything came into existence without an intelligent Creator. There are so many microscopic details in one single living organism that had to have been planned out and designed by a God who is far more intelligent than any human could ever hope to be. Then multiply that by the millions of unique living organisms on the Earth that all had to have been planned out. And then there’s the fact that the sun and all our planets and their moons have to be the exact size they are, and in the exact position they are in order to maintain all of their orbits. Then look at all of the galaxies that astronomers have discovered beyond our own Milky Way. I just don’t have enough faith to believe that all could have happened by accident.

  10. 5 days ago on Broom Hilda

    It’s estimated that somewhere around 100 billion people have ever lived on the earth. That means that roughly 8 percent of the people who have ever lived are currently still alive.