Perhaps if you read between the lines. I think I also caught a glimpse of Doug, but I can’t be sure.
We know they must be thinking nasty thoughts about each other. Why won’t they share?
If you don’t mind looking strange to anyone else on the ship, and if you can deal with the mind numbing boredom of walking in tiny circles, it’s not that hard.
Go find Lucy and kick her.
Maybe some Schubert Lieder?
Coincidentally, I just read Moby Dick. On the whole, I liked it. But for epic tragedy, it can’t compete with the Roadrunner saga.
Can you sporran hour to discuss treatment options?
None of your petty nitpicking can get through my impenetrable shield of decorations.
And I will conclude with Sham a Lam a Ding Dong.
No goodgers or mediocregers either.
Perhaps if you read between the lines. I think I also caught a glimpse of Doug, but I can’t be sure.