
fusilier Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 19 hours ago on Last Kiss

    Hippo, Birdies, Two Ewes!


    James 2:24

  2. 10 days ago on Thatababy

    Oh, but it IS how you go, on vacation.

    fusilier, who loves him some commas

    James 2:24

  3. 12 days ago on Baldo

    Not exactly. Yes, the active ingredients of many medicines have first been discovered in plants, aspirin from slippery willow, tamoxifen from Pacific yew, for example. Any honest gardener will tell you that time of year, wet-vs-dry conditions, etc. during harvest greatly affects the strength of any herb or spice.

    What pharmaceutical companies do is determine the actual effective chemical, the effective dosage, the safe dosage and side effects, as well as discover how to manufacture large quantities.

    fusilier, wearing his (retired) Associate Professor of Human Anatomy and Physiology hat.

    James 2:24

  4. about 1 month ago on Mother Goose and Grimm

    Just Sayin’:

    www . larryniven . net/?q=bibliographic-reference/man-of-steel-woman-of-kleenex

    fusilier, SMOF, jg (ret.)

    James 2:24

  5. about 1 month ago on Tank McNamara

    Where are the HazMat suits?


    James 2:24

  6. 3 months ago on Non Sequitur

    Beat Me To It!


    James 2:24

  7. 3 months ago on Steve Kelley

    Yeah, it wasn’t a “gratuity.”

    SCROTUS ruled that’s OK.


    James 2:24

  8. 3 months ago on John Deering

    I have to disagree with both Grandma Lea, and WndyCity.

    1, under no circumstances whatsoever would Cadet Bonespurs put himself at risk. 2, one person was killed and one person injured, other than the aforementioned CB. I infer that the shooter had no long-range shooting skills, simply popped off three rounds, and CB just got lucky.

    fusilier, who would really like to see the patholgy report

    James 2:24

  9. 3 months ago on Tim Campbell

    And, during die Nacht der lange Messer, all the actual socialists were killed.


    James 2:24

  10. 3 months ago on Joe Heller

    The USAF is not military?

    Oh, and there were all sorts of …objections… to MacNamara’s policies. Heck, it was about the only thing the various Admirals and Generals agreed on.

    fusilier, who made it all the way up to O1, in the early ’70s

    James 2:24