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  1. 7 minutes ago on Jeff Stahler

    LOL – there was actually a video of “Hillary birthing alien”. I linked to it several times here.

    Don’t think that’s around any more. DP must have taken it down.

  2. 10 minutes ago on Jeff Stahler

    They know that actually counting all the votes will mean they lose almost everywhere.

    T**** admitted that. He’s got a bad habit of saying the quiet parts out loud. In front of cameras, no less.

    ROFL – and the trolls claim Biden is losing it. All projection from their feckless leader.

  3. 19 minutes ago on Rob Rogers

    He’s reeking of defeat and desperation. That’s why I think he’ll fly away as soon as it’s obvious he isn’t going to win the election.

    He is not going to report to jail sans being dragged. Doubtless crying and pooping like a bloated baby.

  4. 21 minutes ago on Rob Rogers

    Why? Reporting the truth is not slander and you can’t successfully sue over the truth.

  5. 25 minutes ago on Jack Ohman

    Again, the right wingers demonstrate their total lack of empathy.

    Also, their desire to control others in every minutia of life, but hey, that’s the right wing. Party of total control and freedom to be exactly like them.

  6. 28 minutes ago on Pedro X. Molina

    And yes, the total lack of empathy on the right for ANYONE is just appalling. And is the major reason why we have such badly administered programs so poorly funded, with mandates that amount to “for every million dollars you spend on the homeless you must give ten million to developers”.

  7. 30 minutes ago on Pedro X. Molina


    Gross action has been taken, especially in the South, to prevent information about available programs from being made public.

    I’ve got a disabled daughter with lupus, who CANNOT move to Tennessee. She was talking about it last week, and I told her flatly – you CAN NOT get Lupus drugs in Tennessee. You tried for two years. You can’t live in this state.

    She nearly cried. But admitted I was right.

  8. 37 minutes ago on Mike Beckom

    Says the gaggle of goobers that think horse dewormers and bleach are good for human consumption.

  9. 38 minutes ago on M2Bulls

    I doubt they will be considered a “necessary ally” much longer. When Europe gets off the Arab oil teat as the USA has, this whole house of cards will collapse. No more US support will mean the Mideast mess will be regarded as it was in 1930 – NOT OUR PROBLEM – apart from keeping their eternal wars from spreading into Europe or Africa.

  10. 42 minutes ago on Mike Luckovich

    They live in a weird reverse fantasy world. I do not understand how they can function in daily life.