Yeah, we were told to parcel out our candy over time. Then we found out Dad was eating all the good candy bars that we “parcelled” out for later. We also went out for a second bag in the second hour of trick or treating (we ran a lot that night) and found out Dad would take the best from our first lot.
I think Jay hit it on the nail. No raising of the human conscience or the human race going to occur at MMM. And look, Ed has a bone in front of him – nothing going to happen if he has control of it.
I actually went to Psalm 46 and verified the location of “shake” and “spear” in it. El Jefe knows what he is talking about. My daughter is a big Shakespeare fan and I hope that when I tell her about this amazing coincidence that she doesn’t cancel her flight home for Christmas this year.
the supposed “” boom blew a lot of folks, and their investments in them, out of the water. almost went to work for a friend with a “” company/idea and glad I didn’t – poor Jay
Yeah, we were told to parcel out our candy over time. Then we found out Dad was eating all the good candy bars that we “parcelled” out for later. We also went out for a second bag in the second hour of trick or treating (we ran a lot that night) and found out Dad would take the best from our first lot.