4 days a week, I get up at 5 and come home about 5:45. Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, I sleep until I wake up. That hasn’t changed since I first got him. But now no more night grazing.
Unfortunately, she has to go by the school list. I do agree with you that it’s ridiculous that parents basically have to jump through hoops for individual teachers like that. Pens/pencils, spiral bound notebooks, folders. And for little one, crayons and safety scissors (depending on age).
“Belly doesn’t listen to reason any more than I do”. Sounds a lot like Diesel when the vet told me to remove at least 20% of their food, which means no more night grazing. First morning, he pulled my hair. Big Cat put a stop to that right away. He’s learned that as soon as I get up, he gets food. But he has to be PATIENT. I know, he’s a cat.
Yeah! It’s the October story line!