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blueprairie Free

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Recent Comments

  1. over 12 years ago on Doonesbury

    John Smith: apparently, Powhatan did land a good lick or two on your brain-box with that stone axe.

    Blunt force cranial trauma certainly resulted in impaired coginitive facilities in your case.

  2. almost 13 years ago on Doonesbury

    gmartin, when I was on active duty you paid for my birth control. It was a helluva lot cheaper than paying for my children.

  3. almost 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    Come to thnk of it…it DOES look like something Esther Williams miight wear.

  4. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    “I , for one, would certainly not want to read a lesbian weapons analysis!”

    How would it differ from any other weapons analysis?

  5. about 14 years ago on One Big Happy

    More people need to ask that question, Ruthie.

  6. about 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Does this dog remind anyone else of the drug-sniffing dog, Claude (or was it Clyde) from Mike and Zonker’s cross-country motorcycle trip back in the 1970’s?

    (Or am I showing my age?)

  7. over 14 years ago on The Middletons

    I love football Sunday. It’s the only day of the week I get to spend quality time with the spousal unit.

    Of course, it would probably be less stressful if he weren’t a Bears fan.

  8. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    Possibly, Neocon, because Palin only pays lip-service to religion. If you put her on trial for being a Christian there wouldn’t be enough evidence to convict

  9. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    “Mel needs to heed Lord Acton….power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

    Mel needs to continue being in charge; after all, that’s why they promoted her.

  10. over 14 years ago on Doonesbury

    “MI - perfect oxymoron”

    Only to the ignorant.