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David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen Free

Mechanical Engineering graduate, former field engineer SWS, former Petroleum Engineer Texaco, former Central Water Works, Inc former President, teacher-briefly, former Bus Operator, former Dispatcher (until 29 August 2024), former MENSA, going downhill, 2 children, 1 wife, 6 grandchildren, major flaw: excessive humility--or silly sense of humor, live in Bluff Springs, Florida--relatively sane by Florida standards, everybody loves me (although most ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to admit it), AB- blood if you need some

Recent Comments

  1. about 14 hours ago on Baby Blues

    You said a mouthful.

  2. about 14 hours ago on Pickles


  3. about 14 hours ago on Luann

    Double entendre?

  4. about 14 hours ago on Doonesbury


  5. about 14 hours ago on Luann


    I am completing the sentence Brad was speaking.

    (And Dave is busy playing with HAL.)

  6. about 14 hours ago on Doonesbury



    I wouldn’t do it, but it DOES have a certain ring to it.

  7. about 14 hours ago on Last Kiss


    Yup. A consultant often sells you back your own information.

    (On the other hand, it affirms certain ideas as being valid as determined by an unbiased observer with enough sense to give judgement. Cheap when you think of it.)

  8. about 14 hours ago on Doonesbury


    “Guantanamo is a shameful crime because people are kept there WITHOUT a precise accusation and WITHOUT a fair trial. The right to a trial was written down in 1215 in the Magna Charta – thus showing that medieval “brutes” were much more civilised than woke USA”


    The Magna Carta was a list of rights of nobles, not the general citizenry. The Founding Fathers built on the concept to list rights for white male landed adult American citizens. The Fourteenth Amendment expanded it further. George Walker Bush thought he could withhold those rights from others by keeping them out of the States. The courts explained otherwise.

    Donald cares nothing about laws as long as he can get away with breaking them. Regardless, Guantánamo is more than one thing. The others are not illegal. Nor do all laws apply to any one thing. That would be silly.

  9. about 18 hours ago on Wizard of Id


    Agreed, if possible.

    (You cannot tell if repentance of crimes is real if the possibility of committing those crimes is absent. Yet repentance may still be real.)

  10. 1 day ago on Doonesbury


    If you can’t blind them with your brilliance, baffle them with your bulls**t.

    I don’t keep up with Elon’s latest lunacies. He’s illegally working for a convicted felon who stole state secrets and gave state secrets to criminal leaders. It doesn’t really matter if his criminal activity is carried out by good people or racists.

    (And I continue to want some Indian food.)