David Huie Green AmericaIsGreatItHasUs Free

Mechanical Engineering graduate, former field engineer SWS, former Petroleum Engineer Texaco, former Central Water Works, Inc former President, teacher-briefly, former Bus Operator, former Dispatcher (until 29 August 2024), former MENSA, going downhill, 2 children, 1 wife, 6 grandchildren, major flaw: excessive humility--or silly sense of humor, live in Bluff Springs, Florida--relatively sane by Florida standards, everybody loves me (although most ABSOLUTELY REFUSE to admit it), AB- blood if you need some

Recent Comments

  1. about 1 hour ago on Pickles


    I did see a lady once who would have looked better with more clothes (or any at all, for that matter) but that was a rare event — as shown by the fact that I still remember it 47 years later

  2. about 5 hours ago on JumpStart

    Well, also don’t forget that they have to plan them way ahead of time to have it on the right day.

  3. about 8 hours ago on Pickles

    “As long as they’re clean, that is.”

    Clean?? You people set too high of standards.

  4. about 8 hours ago on Pickles

    Women look better to start with so they have more to lose than we men do. As far as I’m concerned they can all whatever what they want and I’ll just enjoy what I can.

  5. about 9 hours ago on Pickles

    ’As long as there are no food stains"

    You folks have TOO HIGH of standards.

    (Sitting in corner, pouting.)

  6. about 10 hours ago on Pickles

    Whereas I went to it like a pig toward mud.

  7. about 10 hours ago on Pickles


    “What would most prefer to see on others, in public?”

    Depends on the body encased.

  8. about 10 hours ago on JumpStart

    We haven’t.

  9. about 10 hours ago on JumpStart

    Many were innocent then and now. Just like those in the twin towers.

  10. about 10 hours ago on JumpStart

    What matters is that you tried.