And earlier this week, the french daily Le Monde made an article about this same “crime org” (“Dans la galaxie Trump, une multitude de proches en délicatesse avec la justice”). How amazing !
The “hidden ad” for both Micro$oft and App£e in the 2nd panel is quite surprising. Trivia : did you know that early versions of OpenOffice (v2 and maybe v3) could open any password protected xls file (not xlsx) without even asking ?
Actually his press business is in “dirty news” and blackmailing. He uses linotype probably because it prevents him from any digital leak or attack from outside. And, yes, he is very old-fashionned in so many ways.
This is so nice. Do for a french version :
J’ai ouï-dire que tu as été gentil,De l’apprendre j’en suis ravi.Et face à ce froid qui nous envahitAie soin de te chauffer l’esprit.
La soupe de bonhomme de neige que voilàVient avec son agitateur.Ajoute de l’eau chaude et sirote la,Tu n’auras rien de meilleur.