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  1. about 14 years ago on Cleats

    What utter BS! Talk about a manufactured event. Not plausible at all, just written to provide an excuse to “soapbox” about being anti-gun. Any cop who can’t tell the difference between a real gun and a toy should be allowed to carry only the toy in their holster. I grew up knowing from day one both the difference and the danger between a toy and a real gun … precisely because the guns in our home were not “hidden” which serves to make kids curious. To really, effectively ensure kids’ safety, you have to teach kids about guns and how to handle them with respect, not make guns into “forbidden fruit” that only furthers to incite their desires to play with them. Oh, one more thing, it’s obvious that Hinds knows nothing about guns (or he knows “just enough to be dangerous”) because handguns (meaning, the officer’s) do not have tasers on the front of them. If the officer truly suspected that the guy had a gun in his hand, the officer would go for his own firearm, not a taser. Any idiot who brings a taser to a gun fight deserves to get shot.