“The Green Bean Casserole” is a running joke in my family. My daughter – gotta love her, – did not inherit the cooking gene from me but took after her mother, who couldn’t boil water without burning it! She tried, oh how she tried! I tried to teach her but …
The only dish she mastered was the ubiquitous green bean casserole. Needless to say, it became her standard contribution to family gatherings.
My grandson,( her only son ) swears he learned to cook out of self-defense. Actually, I started teaching him when he was about 5 years old and had to stand on a step stool. He worked in a gourmet restaurant as a teenager and I’m proud to say that at 30 he’s a very proficient home chef. Like me, he happily shares the cooking and kitchen duties with his wife. Neither make green bean casserole – they leave that to his Mom.
I heard the Seniors were going to have a big cuddle & hug at the Senior Centers in England this year. It was the only way, with the cost of heating, that they keep from freezing to death!
Since we pretty much live on my pension, I know that’s true at my house. What’s mine is hers. One way or the other, it will eventually wind up in her purse or bank account.
I’m perfectly content to have her deal with it. She’s a sharp bargain shopper and a great money manager. ( At least that’s her story and she’s sticking to it! )
My four youngest grandkids are all teenagers, so naturally they prefer to keep Christmas green ( Birthdays, too!). So I give each a small bag of assorted Christmas candies with a crisp $20 bill folded into one of the candy wrappers.
The first year I did this, I didn’t tell them there was money inside the bag … Ho, ho, ho!
My granddaughter figured it out way ahead of the three boys.