No bio available
No wonder she is el tubbo.
They say an honest politician is one who who accepts a bribe and actually delivers on it.
The King seems to dislike both bribery and honesty.
Seems his hat only works on occasion like some government workers who got their jobs through influence or DEI.
The name Doddersworth has two meanings as in doddering old man. And also a play on the novel, stage play and later movie Dodsworth about an auto magnate who travels to Europe in retirement.
Nice plot by Jeff, and nice response from the shrewdy Mutt.
Larry Porks was a play on Larry Parks. Must be the 1940s when Parks was a big star, headlining the film, The Jolson Story.
Yes it will be nice to look at it in July when it is 90.
Seems January was a lost month.
Guess his name is appropriate.
No wonder she is el tubbo.