And now that there is Zoom, or Google Meet, others can see you against any background you want. Next step, holographic walls. It can be done already, in VR, but making it stick without complicated goggles is the problem.
I always liked geometry. But arithmetic? I never really learned how to multiply and divide until I worked a grocery—back when cash registers were simple machines, each with a manual set of buttons. Okay—quick—you want 3 at 5 for 79¢ + 1 at 2 for $1.59 + 4 at 3 for 39¢ etc, etc. It’s easy, but doing it time after time with a customer line stretching back to the meat department, and carts full of screaming kids, while the conveyor belt marches forward, your bagger decides it’s break time, and the winter wind gusts up under your skirt each time the door behind you opens.
That was more than 50 years ago, and I still have dreams about checking out groceries when I get stressed.
Potayto, Patato. We are all a bit different. The one that baffles me is referring to a team as a plural noun. Okay, not really baffled, but it always makes me smile.
They probably don’t intend to use them. Instead, they’ll display them as ‘20th century decor,’ like they do with manual typewriters, lead-glazed dishes, and old waffle irons.
Reminds me of a $500 designer skirt I once saw—cotton print, gathered into a waistband and had a zipper in the side. We used to make similar skirts in Home Ec.
How about 13 lunar months and the remaining days can be unattached holidays.