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  1. 9 days ago on The Born Loser

    Maybe it would help to speak grammatically? “A positive attitude” = ok. “Think positive” is not… “Think positvely”… AAAAAH!

  2. 11 days ago on Mike Lester

    If the shoe fits… There is a reason Trump pretends he knows nothing about Project 2025.

  3. 11 days ago on Gary Markstein

    Then again, where did most of the toxic rhetoric , and violent threats originate from? You reap what you sow, Trumpists!

  4. 11 days ago on Joe Heller

    Anyopne with half a brain should have seen this coming; She should have recused herself right from the start for conflict of interest or be taken off the case by higher-ups; There wasn’t a chance in hell that she would do an honest job of it.

  5. 15 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    You didn’t say what kind of work you were in. A receptionist or clerk at a hotel, of course would need to be neat and tidy and lacking visible tattooes. But a reporter? Especially the kind out on the streets writing about what he sees around him… the scruffiness would probably make him blend in so that he could watch without people really paying attention. Context changes everything!

  6. 16 days ago on Clay Bennett

    What is the most frightening is that they show it openly as if it is not something worth being ashamed of! Which shows that they are supremely confident that the average Republican would agree to and vote for such a program…It shows just how perverse and degenerate the Republicans have become, and why ithere s little hope left for America (not to mention so many other countries who are now following the Republican example religiously.

    When the Congo and other African countries change their legislation into draconian death penalties for gays – after being visited by American Evangelicals who almost certainly paid them bribes to do those changes – the exportation of Republican tactics, dirty tricks and immoral hypocrisies is becoming ubiquitous.

  7. 17 days ago on For Better or For Worse

    Well, of course, the editor is a woman. If it were a man there’d be no problem. Women have been brought up to care about appearance far more than men. I wonder what the family would say if he were a girl going out in a low cut dress or three buttons undone on a shirt? They’d be told to mind their own busines. Then again, this strip is kinda old; today (male or female) the real problem would be the tattooes on the arms and neck! And legs (if the girl is wearing a skirt). HORRIBLE!

  8. 19 days ago on Herman

    Shouldn’t that be ON his head?

  9. 20 days ago on Ben

    Well, obvously. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, and from your age, you, as a straight guy , were brought up to think that if you ever saw anything appealing in another guy, you must be gay, which at that time was considered as a fate worse than death… ) So all possibility of aesthetic pleasure in seeing another guy was buried VERY deeply in your psyche.

    Can you really look at Michelangelo’s David and not recognize the beauty?If so, your loss for being so psychologically blinkered.

    Beauty is everywhere, in male, female, young and old. One only needs to remove the prejudices, and there are so many! I wish I had a dollar for each time I pointed out a beautiful teenager – male or female. And people replied instantaneously, "They’re too young for you! " And I replied,“Ttoo young to be appreciated aesthetically? Are you insane?”

    Which makes me think of a true story. It was meant as a joke, but nevertheless…

    A cousin and his 30-ish friends were walking along the street and passed by some teenage girls. One of them started pointing at one, saying “Omigod, look at her! She’s so gorgeous!”“But she’s only fourteen!”“Yeah, but she LOOKS twelve!”Hahahahahahaha!

  10. 21 days ago on Ben

    I have another theory. Women tend to be rather egocentic (in some ways -they are also nurturing) but when it comes to men’s bodies, the number of women I’ve heard who think male genitalia are ugly is surprising. Then I finally realized: the only genitalia they like are their husband’s – because those are the ones that give HER pleasure. And women are more pragatic and less visually stimulated. A 15 year old: “Oh, he’s so gorgeous!” A twenty – something: “Oh, he’s so rich!”