Spike  profie 2 edit

Jhony-Yermo Free

Left wing, liberal, progressive, Social Democrat, Atheist.

Recent Comments

  1. about 12 hours ago on Frazz

    Speaking of trees, The Hidden Life of Trees: What They Feel, How They Communicate, by Peter Wohlleben. Maybe not such a single organism after all? Great book, I must say.

  2. 1 day ago on Frazz

    Again, great Outdoor Cartooning. Thanks once again Jef

  3. 1 day ago on La Cucaracha

    “The name Veronica is of Latin origin and means “she who brings victory” or “true image”12345. It is a popular female given name with roots in both Latin and Greek languages2. The name became popular in the Christian tradition due to the story of Saint Veronica, who wiped the face of Jesus on his way to the crucifixion." Google is our FRIEND.

  4. 1 day ago on La Cucaracha

    IF, Eddie got married . . . YES to VERO

  5. 2 days ago on Frazz

    Scarfing potato salad at a picnic very important, I feel. 70+ years never a problem w/ the mayo. The vinegar off-sets it. “To put it just as plainly, but in layman’s terms, store-bought mayonnaise contains enough acid (from vinegar or lemon juice) to not only kill food-borne pathogens, but also to prevent them from forming.” Google is your friend

  6. 4 days ago on Frazz

    Excellent GOOD ONE. One of Jef’s great “outdoor” comics. Lots of smiles :-D

  7. 5 days ago on Frazz

    Perfect. Seems I always like Ms Plainwell, and Frazz outdoors. And such neat observations. Hey Jef, great cartooning—I like all of your work but truly appreciate your outdoor cartooning.

  8. 6 days ago on Crankshaft

    Great story line. Nice sentiment.

  9. 8 days ago on Frazz

    Right over my head . . .

  10. 8 days ago on Arlo and Janis

    There are Washing machines. I would not hesitate to buy pants from a thrift store.