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mauser7 Free

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Recent Comments

  1. about 4 years ago on Baldo

    Never argue with an Idiot they will beat you down with their ignorance, and most onlookers will not be able to tell the difference.

  2. about 4 years ago on Over the Hedge

    Gertting old beats NOT getting older. The last Critter standing wins.

  3. about 4 years ago on The Flying McCoys

    I feel your pain bro.

  4. about 4 years ago on Looks Good on Paper

    I might actually pay money to see that.

  5. about 4 years ago on Savage Chickens

    I recall that period of life when you can’t find into bed at night or out in the morning. Thank GOD!!! IT’S OVER.

  6. about 4 years ago on The Flying McCoys

    Either he has to buy a lot of frisbees, or the dog is a worse shot then I am.

  7. about 4 years ago on Big Top

    You go first!

  8. about 4 years ago on WuMo

    And they only leave a blacken residuce of coffee baked to the bottom of the pot.

  9. about 4 years ago on The Other Coast

    Glad to know it came out OK.

  10. about 4 years ago on Bob Gorrell

    And people think Trump could say stupid dumb stuff…break out the popcorn and beer (your need it) it’s going to be an “interesting four(?) years” And remember that is an ancient curse.