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Look at you… making friends with the other comics… I’m just sayin’ ;)
Today’s comic made me LOL :)
Haha. So true. Love it!
LOL. Documentaries put me to sleep too!
Bargrove: It’s often misattributed to Ogden Nash, but it’s actually Dixon Lanier Merritt. I like it too :)
Oh, a wondrous bird is the pelican! His bill holds more than his belican. He can take in his beak Enough food for a week. But I’m darned if I know how the helican.
Who says comics have to make sense? A smart-ass pelican reading “Pelicanboy”? Come on people, THAT’S funny!
Who needs 48 different colors anyway?? Whatever happened to ROY G BIV??
LOL. Good one!
Look at you… making friends with the other comics… I’m just sayin’ ;)