I generally don’t want to take this road on this subject, as I believe the subject of the RC Church ordaining women is a matter between the Church and the Holy Spirit, to whom the Church is not listening, but women commit for fewer crimes, especially sex crimes.
You want some color in the RC Church’s life, ordain a women…………..all kinds of new perspectives………..kinda’ like when the Wizard of Oz transformed, mid-movie.
Why 4 years? Too many of you blame the symptom and not the source, which are the Idiot Enablers. You see Idiot Enablers here. You see Idiot Enablers on your streets. You see Idiot Enablers in your school, churches at work in the grocery, the park, restaurants and bars. A strong democracy depends on strong, willfully educated people. If you want change. Change starts with you. Right now, the idiots are winning.
Wait, the IDIOT ENABLERS freely voted for the IDIOT?: