150606 petunias 003

MontanaLady Free

Recent Comments

  1. 6 months ago on Birdbrains


  2. 6 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    jack is somehat better today. it might take him better part of a week.

    thaank you sooooooo much! xxoo

  3. 6 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    can you add jack to your prayer list. he is going to the e.r. as soon as i can get someone to take care of me.


  4. 6 months ago on Birdbrains

    good job!

  5. 6 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    the high today will be PLUS 11….


  6. 7 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    i think we have a record….. MINUS 37!!!!!


  7. 7 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    MINUS 2!!!! and snowing!


  8. 7 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    more cold to come by friday!


  9. 7 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    what a lovely story. they will remain in our prayers.


  10. 7 months ago on Benitin y Eneas

    we have added your paster nate to our prayers!