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  1. 36 minutes ago on Bottom Liners

    The entire basis of this conversation is backwards – YOU made the initial claim

    “Eggs hit a record high, gas is up, jobs are still increasing but at a much slower rate and Trumptard has ceded his authority to Musk. That should make you happy.”

    and now you are demanding that I provide proof or I’m the liar. I have provided links, and you haven’t, so it is you who is lying….both about the facts and the premise in which they were brought up.

    It isn’t a surprise though, you can’t even say who you are talking about.

  2. about 4 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    Several things – You’ve used this job report several times, and every time you intentionally ignore the pandemic, both with the job loss under Trump and it’s return under Biden. THAT is a your prejudice and lies.

    Second, using my jobs link as proof I lied about eggs is doubly wrong.

    cnn com/2025/01/28/business/chickens-avian-flu/index html

    CNN (among others) have gone past acknowledging the mass killings of chickens that you have accused me of lying about and have started spinning the story like in the link above.

    So, not a lie. (feel free to apologize)

    Oh, and you still have not provided proof or justification of who you were talking about – you require it from me, so you do the same or be exposed as a hypocrite Bilb.

  3. about 16 hours ago on Frog Applause

    Professor Snape runs into an early hiccup while developing his Sectumsempra spell.

  4. about 16 hours ago on Luann

    Didn’t you hate this arc yesterday and applauded it’s predicted end?

  5. about 17 hours ago on Non Sequitur

    “Thanks for getting me out of going into work on Monday”

  6. about 17 hours ago on Strange Brew

    I’d like to request ‘Rocket Man’

  7. about 21 hours ago on Bottom Liners

    So you intentionally took my link about the jobs numbers to say it has nothing to do with chickens, even though I specifically stated I was talking about job numbers before posting the link.

    I suppose you will try to demand a link showing who you were talking about next?

    BTW, the jobs link shows that it was you who lied when you blamed Trump for the job numbers.

  8. 1 day ago on Bottom Liners

    What numbers would I need for you to say who you were talking about?

    Biden ordered 100 million chickens slaughtered – egg prices are 100% on him

    The job numbers are being accurately disclosed now, so there’s that

    cnn com/2024/08/21/economy/bls-jobs-revisions/index html

  9. 1 day ago on Bottom Liners

    Still focusing on Trump instead of what the Dems did / did not do. Newsom ordered water dumped into the Pacific ocean rather than refill reservoirs. he cut the budget for firefighters while sending equipment to Ukraine. He even prevented firefighters from coming from out of state to assist because their fire engines were not California safety inspected.

    But because this has nothing to do with Trump you ignore it.

  10. 1 day ago on Bottom Liners

    You’ve completely given up trying to actually defend yourself in favor of making every post a “I know you are, but what am I?” deflection.