No bio available
Still grayed out on the email.
Been doing this in the email and website. Today is first day the website was good.
If she’s that smart, why does she need a calculator to figure it out?
There are no dumb questions, only dumb questioners
9 guys, 2 turkeys. Pilgrims knew how to do it right.
I hate racists, no matter what color they are. This used to be a good cartoon.
I’ve lost 40 pounds since giving up wheat.
When I was a kid they used to bring their shotguns and rifles on the school bus and keep them in their lockers so they could go hunting after school. No “Gun Free Zones” then, and no school shootings either.
Fireplace is gone also.
Thought they were 8-track TAPES. Definitely not cassettes.
Still grayed out on the email.