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  1. about 11 years ago on PreTeena

    There is also the kinesthetic sense. Close your eyes and touch your nose with your right index finger. That is only possible if you sense where parts of your body are without seeing them. There’s also the ability to sense radiated warmth, and to feel localized pain.

  2. about 11 years ago on Over the Hedge

    Saw it yesterday. I know that suspension of disbelief is necessary for much SF, but this has so many goofs that you will find yourself getting another drink.. and another. Example: Tornado hits an airport hangar. Actors run outside after the tornado has passed and find a chopper with the doors ripped off, but otherwise perfectly intact, sitting on its pad, right side up. Again, girl falls from chopper, eaten in midair by shark. Later, hero sacrifices himself to a random shark, while carrying a chain saw, and after falling 1000 feet to the ground, cuts himself out of the shark, in good shark. (But wait there’s more!) It’s the same shark that ate the girl! And she’s still alive except for a few bruises and a blood body wash. And they want a shark-quel?

  3. over 11 years ago on Over the Hedge

    Actually, it’s not…. technically. The proper term is “Chaise longue” (french, meaning long chair). Americans corrupted the term to chaise lounge, associating the chair with lounging, which is sorta sensible, but incorrect.