Corzak's Profile

corzak Free
Formerly Gliese 581g. Admission to Federation currently pending.
Comics I Follow

Brewster Rockit
By Tim Rickard
The Argyle Sweater
By Scott Hilburn
By Garry Trudeau
That is Priceless
By Steve Melcher
Pearls Before Swine
By Stephan Pastis
9 Chickweed Lane
By Brooke McEldowney
The Meaning of Lila
By John Forgetta and L.A. Rose
New Adventures of Queen Victoria
By Pab Sungenis
I think James K. Polk was one of our most effective and least appreciated presidents. Nominated because they couldn’t agree on anyone else, he was barely elected in 1844. He had six campaign promises:
Lower tariffs.
Re-establish an independent Treasury.
Resolve the border between the Oregon territory and British Canada.
Bring Texas into the Union as a state.
Acquire California and the New Mexico territory.
Serve one term.
He worked tirelessly and accomplished all six. Then went home and died.