
HidariMak Free

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  1. 17 days ago on Non Sequitur

    M – I – See you in court

  2. 20 days ago on Non Sequitur

    The official meeting point for Over-eaters Unanimous.

  3. 20 days ago on Non Sequitur

    I can relate. I had enough bacon and sausages there to give my doctor a heart attack.

  4. 27 days ago on Non Sequitur

    As I’ve said before, if you can’t show it, you don’t know it.

  5. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    You’re dismissing the idea of Trump being the worst American president in history, because the people who came to that conclusion had a lot of the in-depth knowledge needed to reach that conclusion? I’m guessing that you’re also dismissing the opinion of 40 of Trump’s 44 cabinet members who said that he has no business running the country, since they saw how he ran the country, and therefore weren’t ignorant enough to reach a decision you could agree with?

  6. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    You could have gotten the answer with an internet search, with as much time and effort as you spent posting that question. In any case, it’s a professional association for political science based in Washington, DC. Their staff is largely university professors of political science, they publish 4 academic journals in that field, as well as 15 additional journals. They often host discussions with policy makers and the media.

  7. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    I’m a lifelong Canadian resident. And America’s economic disasters impact the economy of many other countries, while America directly impacting other countries with their colossally stupid militaristic decisions makes me grieve for the millions of other people who suffer and die because of them.

    Historians from the American Political Science Association have ranked Trump as America’s worst president, and this time, his staff will be people who put his whims above country, instead of by people who tried to limit his damage. Don Jr. and Eric are acting as the self-proclaimed “loyalty czars” to weed out those who don’t possess adequate fealty to Trump, while Trump’s own “Schedule F” will weed out those from the 50,000 lifelong, bi-partisan support staff who Trump feels might get in his way.
  8. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    You argue that Trump’s past actions, past statement, Trump’s campaign promises, and Project 2025 which mentions Trump more than 300 times and was written largely by Trump’s own political advisors will never happen?

  9. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    As evidenced by Trump winning the presidency, and Republicans controlling both the House and Senate. Here’s what will likely come of that.

    - All support for Ukraine will be pulled, and Trump’s sole input will be to tell Zelenskyy that Ukraine is now part of Russia.

    - Putin already passed a message to Elon Musk that Xi Jinpeng wants Starlink to be shut off for Taiwan, so it’s now off. America’s new political situation will see China’s violent takeover of Taiwan, since countries invading other countries is OK now.

    - It’s also been confirmed that Starlink has been shut off for Ukraine during critical battles, with services provided to Putin. Of course, this is all perfectly legal now.

    - Elon Musk will face no penalty, and will continue to receive all perks.

    - Hello, oligarchy. America is your new home.

    - In the unlikely chance that there is ever another US federal election, Supreme Court justices Alito and Thomas will retire, and be replaced with judges in their 40s who are willing sockpuppets to Republican causes.

    - Billionaires such as Peter Thiel crave a president who they can control, while Trump is clearly unhinged and unpredictable. If Trump is removed from power by Republicans so that JD Vance can be the US president over the next 8 months, I wouldn’t be surprised.

    - Broadband, healthcare, cheaper meds, public education, infrastructure, the rights of women and minorities, respect of all religion, free speech, and freedom of the press? That’s all been confirmed as going away now, through Trump’s own statements and Project 2025.

  10. about 1 month ago on Non Sequitur

    In Herschel’s defense, that was for a candidate who promised to keep the US out of World War 2, and who told his supporters to vote for him on January 5.