
ImaginaryFriend Free

From Ohio. Have lived in China and visited 13 countries and visited most of the continental states in the U.S. I have worked for less than minimum wage, had my own business, and prefer to be positive about everything in life. I enjoy the comics every morning and would have to say Non Sequitur is my favorite. I do enjoy a good discussion in the comments regardless of which side of a discussion you are on. My picture is a real picture of me too.

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Recent Comments

  1. 7 days ago on Reality Check

    A material girl…

  2. 8 days ago on Wizard of Id

    I am thinking a buildup of gas might have blown the top off.

  3. 8 days ago on B.C.

    A different meaning to getting stoned.

  4. 19 days ago on Day by Dave

    Why can’t math be considered art? Like art, I have seen some impressive looking marks on a “canvas” and have no idea what the meaning was.

  5. 21 days ago on Day by Dave

    ZZZZZZZZZZZZZ. Sorry, this is a scrabble joke, Z

  6. 24 days ago on Clay Jones

    There has to be entry level jobs that don’t pay to what is referred to as a “living wage”. This enables the youth to find work, gain experience and become more valuable, if not to their current employer, then to future ones. The belief that everyone is entitled to some particular level of income is not sustainable. Work that anyone can do pay’s lower because there is a lot of competition because a larger number of people can do the work (e.g., fast food, harvest crops). To earn higher wages, you have to make yourself more valuable to those willing to pay for your services by education, experience, or finding a niche few people are good at, but you are (e.g., welders) or there is shortage of workers (e.g., IT security specialist). The rate of inflation is largely based upon what has to be paid to the workers performing the least skilled work, so any increase in pay for those jobs lead to inflation. The reason so many manufacturing jobs left the US is that there are many people in other parts of the world willing to do the work for a lot less. People in the US have become so “entitled” and believe they are worth more just because they were born in the US.

  7. about 1 month ago on Clay Jones

    None of the money Biden has ever raise while in office or running for office ever goes in his pockets – April Fools! Biden is a good president – April fools! Biden is a better president than Trump, that is like comparing donkey poop to elephant poop. They both stink (no joke there). I do not understand why anyone supports either person for any office. The only reason Thump is so popular, I think, is that his critics just won’t drop the subject (from a high bridge maybe). They keep him in the news. (Sorry Clay, I like your work but way too much bout trumpet playing his own horn). Now we are stuck with two horrible choices come November. That is no joke either.

  8. 2 months ago on Shoe

    The only way Biden can win is if Trump is the republican nominee. It amazes me that anyone thinks either of them are presidential material.

  9. 2 months ago on Free Range

    She just picks up one of her many cats to bring along too…

  10. 2 months ago on Wizard of Id

    It is like the leaders we have in the U.S. None of them are really qualified (regardless of party) and we keep pushing them up to the highest levels of leadership. It appears the greatest skill need to be president is to be able to gather the largest group of people willing to follow you blindly (again, regardless of party). The Fink is king because the similar blindness, and maybe the willingness to kill a few non-supporters when needed (ok, thinking of another country leader at the moment).