We’re a little far north for cacti to be likely to survive; there are some succulents that do pretty well. There are some bunch grasses thatndo nicely, though.
I am puzzled. From your posts, I can’t make out to which movie you referred. Would you mind terribly telling me? I am very much in the mood for a good suggestion and would appreciate knowing. Thanks.
Well, three days ago, it fit right between “y’know” and “neither”. Glass houses and all, y’know. Humor is often the sharpest knife and the one least likely to further alienate those being used as pawns by cheap con men bent on rending the world for selfish gain. It is also one of the softest ways to offer perspective to those who have bought into the lies they have been told. Peace, brother.
Now, now Samwise. Don’t be too provincial ;)