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Recent Comments

  1. 3 days ago on Moderately Confused

    Cell phone cameras can magnify…just zoom in.

  2. 7 days ago on Adult Children

    So…is the down forever or is it coming back?

  3. 9 days ago on Benitin y Eneas

    It’s gotten kinda quiet around here lately.

  4. 9 days ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Madera de abejorro?

  5. 15 days ago on Dark Side of the Horse

    Many of those calls are illegal here too. There doesn’t seem to be an enforcement mechanism.

  6. 18 days ago on Strange Brew

    I think the article was in Wired. The robot in question was called “Energetically Autonomous Tactical Robot, or EATR”.

  7. 18 days ago on Strange Brew

    In Schmitz’s Agent of Vega stories the ships have some pretty distinct personalities too.

  8. 19 days ago on Strange Brew

    Didn’t I see a headline about creating battle robots that would recharge by eating corpses?

  9. 20 days ago on Benitin y Eneas

    Some of the jokes are pretty much timeless but then there are some that let you know how old they really are…last week there was one where the guy’s weekly salary was $12.

  10. 22 days ago on Frog Applause

    I don’t think they won. They were the left behind.