At the end of the game, the King and the Pawn go back into the same box.
Just one more hijacking, turning something good into something bad.
Still after I stopped looking I guess.
I must have missed that King book and Gacy is just a nobody, someone to be ignored and forgotten.
I’d never have known that having not seen anything of Tom Cruise since the late 1990’s.
That is winter’s version of lemonade. (If life gives you lemons).
He’s a mis-assembled Ikea tree.
Arlo’s memories are from back when Hollywood hadn’t ruined the reputation of clowns everywhere. Clowns were just a lot of fun when I was a kid.
…………and LOOK, Howie! She has running drinking water!
Torture comics make my blood boil. Pasta-wise, I made some Bolognese pasta sauce and now my old recipe is out the window! I wish I’d found it years ago!
Love conquers all. It even conquered Rory’s hold over Stan. It must be “that time of year”.
Just one more hijacking, turning something good into something bad.