
Bogframe Free

Fat old comics freak who looks not unlike Jeff Albertson (two trivia points if you know who that is!

Recent Comments

  1. over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    I started reading FB0W in the early 80s and lost touch when the NY Daily News dropped it in early 2008. I’ve just done a marathon reading here from where I left off and I don’t think Lynn could have ended it any better. I’ve actually got tears in my eyes from the beautiful way Iris summed everything up. Bless you, Lynn Jonston!

  2. over 14 years ago on For Better or For Worse

    Is this how it ended? After this one, it rolls back to the beginning!

  3. over 14 years ago on B.C.

    A friend of mine hipped me to this site. The NY Daily News has been cutting its comics section for years now. It’s nice to catch up on all my favorite strips again, including BC!