Hey, guys. Hypatia was a female mathematician, daughter of Theon of Alexandria. Thus not “himself,” like the ancient one says about the designer of the place.
John Celardo’s art ended Nov. 15, 2014. What happened? New artist without any introduction by the publishers. Celardo’s art is beautiful because he most closely resembles the classic Burne Hogarth style. I will miss you John. I hope you come back.
GoComics on a Mac has slowed down with new interface tweaks; must give it an extra few seconds to refresh screen before the zoom watermark appears when you hover over the chosen panel. Turn Off the Lights extension works OK, however and mimics very well the iPad app version. Use Command + to increase size of all panels and you will be OK without having to zoom individual panels. GoComics is definitely more innovative than DailyInk any day though.
Have you ever heard of suspension of disbelief?