A lawyer would be a better consultant than a doctor.
You have GOT to stop drinking that ice cold Rocky Mountain beer! Someone is going to see you if you can no longer hide behind a tree.
“When I ask the plant if she wants to go home with me, you can stop giving me bourbons.”
But now that you’ve brought it up, my second opinion is….
If Luann is going for ‘blah’, then she has a several day head start.
Wouldn’t it be cheaper to just buy a couple of keyboards?
It is true that most politicians are ambidextrous. They are able to talk out of both sides of their mouth equally well.
Why is it that when a turkey is ‘dressed’, it is totally undressed?
The reason is that the only thing that would hold her was the Sherman tank with a Cadillac body welded to it.
Luann needs to stop waiting for the world to push her boat up the river of happiness, and start rowing.
A lawyer would be a better consultant than a doctor.