Kirby close up with poppies behind   close cropped

mistercatworks Free

Cat whisperer, writer, comedian, engineer, widower, graphic artist, masseur, programmer, photographer, dancer, and two college degrees in humble.

Recent Comments

  1. 7 minutes ago on Strange Brew

    I worked Renaissance Faires where a couple of women thought it might be easier to pee in the bushes than find a privy in the night. Boy, were they wrong.

  2. about 3 hours ago on Andy Capp

    My adult stepdaughter somehow dropped her phone down a standpipe. WTH?

  3. about 3 hours ago on Frank and Ernest

    Vacations and road repair peak in summer because that is the best weather of the year. People want good, warm weather for vacations and for road repair.

  4. about 3 hours ago on For Better or For Worse

    So their parents can party. :)

  5. about 3 hours ago on FoxTrot

    “Your both barred from sprinkles. You want ice cream, I’ll sell you ice cream.”

  6. about 3 hours ago on Off the Mark

    Look online for videos of a cat Didja who combines skateboarding with parkour.

  7. about 7 hours ago on Savage Chickens

    My cat will occasionally come in at 3:00 a.m and sing the “All the Food Bowls Are Empty Blues”. I never listen to more than one chorus because she would not sing about it, if it were not true. I get up and apply cat food to the referenced area.

    I dare not leave out extra food at night because there are at least two skunks, one raccoon and a grey neighbor’s cat who would come in and eat it.

  8. about 7 hours ago on Yaffle

    “Do you really work here or do you just wander around dispensing bad puns?” :)

  9. about 7 hours ago on Wrong Hands

    OK, now do comic strip creators. :)

  10. about 7 hours ago on Truth Facts

    Only left will allow you to close the lid and travel. Right is fine for semi-permanent in-house storage.