Toe hammered   copy

jedicharlie57 Free

Recent Comments

  1. about 2 months ago on Luann

    ooh thanks, I completely passed over that! had to go back and lok to see what was on his shirt lol

  2. 3 months ago on Baby Blues
    I just wonder what her big plan is? Dates in the park? Bragging rights to “have” a boyfriend? Will some advantage show up so that he likes the relationship? (Like, majorly pick on his big sister?)
  3. 4 months ago on Zack Hill

    Aw man, and here I thought for a sec they were taking a moment to thank those that sacrificed for us so that we would be free to DO those things. Poignant to even stand in the rain and give thanks

  4. 4 months ago on The Buckets

    haha I love they did the tops of their feet

  5. 4 months ago on The Buckets


  6. 4 months ago on Doonesbury

    Sports. In Alabama you should never plan a wedding on Third Saturday in October or Iron Bowl weekend. Gotta know your audience lol. One of my friends got married on a major Race day, and the brother in-law was PO’d big time that his wife made him go to the wedding

  7. 4 months ago on Luann

    Yeah, I think she’s going to get a light bulb moment and throw nursing cap onto that blank slate!

  8. 5 months ago on FoxTrot

    If you can dodge a wrench, you can dodge a ball

  9. 6 months ago on For Better or For Worse


  10. 6 months ago on Peanuts

    Hmm a group of new kids, who don’t “know” he’s supposed to be a blockhead, Charlie Brown just may like it better there. I remember when I left high school and discovered there was a whole world of people out there who didn’t know me. It was exhilarating