Bolderdash. Andy fishes for some unlucky and unaware chap to listen to as long as the pints are coming and he doesn’t need fishing gear to reel them in. He’s head and shoulders above the rest in this category. ;-p
Another pleasant human contact to brighten Calvin’s day. Well, we’re not sure if Moe’s human or not. Moe might be the “missing link” that most would rather not find.
I had a service contract with Dell and I had to talk on the phone with one of their tech assistants. I could only make out a few words of what he was saying. We finally hooked up in a chat on my other computer and then real communications took place. Oh, BTW, India is supposed to be the most populous English speaking nation, I’ll have you know!
Maybe she’s stowed away a Road Runner in her dress amd it’s beeping to get out.