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  1. 17 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Will this story make any more sense than the last one?

  2. 21 days ago on Dick Tracy

    When Chet Gould wrote and drew the strip, we were introduced to the characters first and understood their motivation before the crime was committed. it’s hard to follow the storyline because I think Eric can’t follow the storyline himself.

  3. 29 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I’m still not sure exactly what happened throughout this story. The extended fight scene, reminiscent of the Batman 60s TV series, was not well done. I actually ended up forgetting what the story was all about. What did Pruneface have to do with this story? Nothing. Was any character interesting? No. I miss Chet Gould’s ability to create a likeable villain, somebody to whom the reader could relate. Sure, Shaky was a bad guy, but his love for Snowflake was genuine.

  4. about 2 months ago on Tarzan

    Finally, we move forward!

  5. about 2 months ago on Dick Tracy

    I’m not sure Eric Costello understands or appreciates the history of Dick Tracy. Also, any Nazis still alive are probably in South America, though I know that there is a small Nazi movement in America, which has always been present since WW2. Perhaps Dick and Company will uncover a Nazi plot and foil it.

  6. about 2 months ago on Doonesbury

    If you knew anything about Trump, you would know all this is a lie. I know a lot of Trump haters won’t accept this, but the proof is out there.

  7. about 2 months ago on Dick Tracy

    The War ended 80 years ago. Pruneface first appeared, and died in 1942. We can safely guess he and his wife were about 40 when the original adventure took place. Logically, Pruneface can no longer be alive. Since the Prunefaces were married, it is logical to assume they had children and grandchildren who could be today’s Pruneface. Even if the original, cryogenically frozen Pruneface were alive today, it has still been another 40 years since his regeneration. Therefore, this Pruneface should be the great grandchild of the original.

  8. about 2 months ago on Tank McNamara

    I pick the Illinois Sports Facility Authority. Team owners, who are millionaires and billionaires, claim to be poor. The millionaires then threaten to move their sports teams out of Illinois (Please do: I can’t afford the total expense of paying for a game visit because my tax money already supports the teams). The State begs them to stay, “lends” them money and signs a contract that states that the team’s payments are based on gross gate receipts , if they are a certain amount. If the gross receipts are less than the amount stated in the contract, skip the payment forever, which they do. (>

  9. about 2 months ago on Dick Tracy

    Cue the dramatic music, then….nothing.

  10. about 2 months ago on Dick Tracy
