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Charles Phipps Premium

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Recent Comments

  1. over 4 years ago on Overboard

    Are they beached?

  2. over 4 years ago on Luann

    It still might. These days, if you ever did something that is currently not allowed, you are still just as guilty as if you never stopped.

  3. over 4 years ago on The Humble Stumble

    These early strips seemed to heavily imply that his wife had died. Later on, they had just gotten a divorce. I wonder if it was just too hard to write comics about death and moving on without becoming Funky Winkerbean.

  4. almost 5 years ago on The Humble Stumble

    I don’t have a link. Just search “Pickin’ on” on Amazon Music or Youtube.

  5. almost 5 years ago on The Humble Stumble

    For those who are unaware, there is a whole series of albums called “Pickin’ on” that has banjo and/or country guitars doing rock music covers. Some are actually pretty good.

  6. almost 5 years ago on Frank and Ernest

    This one is pretty clever, like a lot of these strips.

  7. almost 5 years ago on Overboard

    Even Nate wouldn’t like what happens if he tried to pull a fuse like that!

  8. almost 5 years ago on FoxTrot Classics

    On a more serious, albeit lesser known point, helium poisoning is a real thing that kills dozens of Americans every year. Heed some of the wisdom of Bill Clinton and don’t inhale.

  9. about 5 years ago on Frazz

    It was also used in the Burt Lancaster movie “The Crimson Pirate”.

  10. over 5 years ago on Frazz

    The coast will never be (permanently) underwater. There might be new coast, though.