Then help me understand. Provide me a specific scenario in which you, personally, have felt threatened, intimidated, uncomfortable, whatever, solely because of what a woman chose to wear that day. Perhaps also clarify why you were uncomfortable?
First grade started here last Monday. As did gymnastics, a brand-new extracurricular activity, courtesy of Mimi and Dziadziu not paying attention to the deadline for youth soccer registration.
At 5:45 last Thursday, The Girl was sure it wasn’t something she wanted to do. At 7:05 last Thursday she didn’t want to leave.
Prepare to be shocked: the ignorant American is informally acquainted with Kitchener. :-) (Kidding. Sort of.) Although I’ve never been, I know where it is and know at least one of its residents, a fellow participant in a now-defunct fantasy baseball league.
I plan to visit your beautiful province next year. As a fan of Gordon Lightfoot, I plan to visit Detroit next November for the 50th anniversary of the sinking of the Edmund Fitzgerald at the Mariners Church. From there I will visit Toronto, where one item on the itinerary is paying my respects at the gravesite of the doctor who is the reason I’m able to walk. Perhaps I can detour into Kitchener if there is anything you could recommend.
Meh. I’d argue “price point” is a little different from “skill set” with respect to Rat’s objections. “Skill set” is (somewhat correctly) being derided as a fancy way to say “skills.”
By contrast, “price point” is an approximate amount someone is willing to spend. “My price point for a car is $20,000” could mean you are willing to spend $22,000 under the right conditions (or, if you are the seller, willing to accept $18,000 under the right conditions) whereas “price” on its own carries more of a connotation that $20,000 is the most you are willing to spend (or, in the other direction, your non-negotiable selling price).
Then help me understand. Provide me a specific scenario in which you, personally, have felt threatened, intimidated, uncomfortable, whatever, solely because of what a woman chose to wear that day. Perhaps also clarify why you were uncomfortable?