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  1. 8 days ago on Dick Tracy

    When Auntie Flattop was introduced, while Tracy and Company were on the trail of Jr., there was no evidence of any “curl” in her hair.

  2. 10 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Agreed! There is no way this really makes any sense, unless one of the Flattop family took some sort of action recently, which would warrant a front page article.

  3. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I was surprised about that. When we got our first look at Garage Guy, didn’t Mike write in a caption box that he would soon have a very significant role to play in Tracy’s life? (Or words to that effect.) But Tracy really had nothing to do with what we saw so far – he just stood around and listened to the story. When yesterday’s strip appeared, my first thought was that it would somehow tie in with the Annie thing. But now it doesn’t look like it will, which is probably for the best.

  4. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I was sort of hoping for a brand new character, and we do have Broadside here as well. Anyway, Charles did an excellent job on Croptop’s design.

  5. 11 days ago on Dick Tracy

    I didn’t think Frizzletop was supposed to be a relation to the Flattop family. Did I miss something there?

  6. 18 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Which shouldn’t be too difficult for a bald man!

  7. 20 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Oh. Thanks, I didn’t know that! Did Starr offer up any explanation as to how they overcame the state that Mr. Am had put them in?

  8. 21 days ago on Dick Tracy

    @ Neil Wick and Ray Toler: (And anyone else who may have brought up similar questions; I had to skim today’s comments rather quickly)

    Sirob did not “attack the camp” as stated in today’s strip. Warbucks acquired the gems while on some sort of mysterious safari. He returned to the US intending to dispose of them and turn the profit into other business ventures. He had Asp locate Annie, who found out that she had fallen into the hands of a relatively small-time hoodlum. He “turned aside” from his original plan to rescue Annie, which gave Sirob a chance to find him and stalk him. So, Asp planned a getaway involving a Warbucks double, a secret passageway leading down to the river and a fast boat disguised as a poor fishing vessel.

    The Warbucks party, including Annie, eventually took refuge in a hacienda complete with gardens and outbuildings for science experiments. hidden deep in some unnamed jungle. It was there that Sirob eventually found them and, with the aid of two hundred jungle fighters, attacked the stronghold while Asp was away on other Warbucks business. But Asp came back in the thick of the battle and was “killed”

    The readers were first introduced to Mr. Am in this story, but the dialog between Oliver and Annie made clear that Oliver had known Mr. Am previously, and had seen him on several occasions.

    Annie would certainly have known all this, because she lived through it, unless part of this ret-con is asking us to believe that now it happened before she knew Oliver.

    I guess it could be argued that Oliver is just compressing these events in the re-telling, but it seems as if Mike didn’t bother to read the story he is referencing very carefully.

  9. 21 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Sirob did not appear in any subsequent story written by Harold Gray (to my knowledge).

  10. 22 days ago on Dick Tracy

    Nice alliteration, and I learned a new word today!